The goal of the Voices of Memphis project is to introduce Memphians to their neighbors, and to highlight the cultural and economic wealth that internationals are bringing
to our city.
The Mission
Click on our promotional video!

Their Voices

Do you know of other local, immigrant-owned businesses we should highlight?
Nominate them here!

About this project
When I (Kimberly) started WHi, I knew that many Americans were unaware of the positive impact immigrants have on local economies, but beyond sharing data and research, I didn’t have a way to communicate with large audiences. I needed a practical way to show everyone the ways internationals are uplifting our city. That’s when I met Mike Chavez.
Hello everyone! I'm Mike Chavez Esquivel. I come from Mexico, and I'm the Art Director in my multidisciplinary advertising media business. I joined the project because it seemed like a great idea to me as a person from another country, supporting Kimberly in the Graphic Direction and consulting part of this great project.
The two of us met at the University of Memphis’ English program and worked together on a magazine entitled Roots of Memphis, where English language learners from around the world wrote about maintaining their heritage within the US setting. Many of them interviewed others who shared a similar cultural heritage, but had been in the US longer. From this project, I (Kimberly) got to see Mike’s work in action, and, later on, approached him about doing something similar but for business owners.
We know that issues surrounding immigration and relocating to a new country are heavy, complicated, and very personal no matter your point of view. Our hope is that Voices of Memphis can be a place of introduction through stories, and that viewers can meet and support Memphians they may not otherwise encounter in daily life.

What does the word immigrant mean to you?
To me (Mike) being an immigrant is a journey of courage and adaptation, where every challenge becomes an opportunity to grow and build a new home in a land that, over time, also feels like one's own.
When I (Kimberly) hear this word, I think of a very brave person who has left everything because they were willing to work hard and pursue life. I think of the countless people in my life who have shown me the tenacity and grit it takes to move to a new country, and at the same time, I think of some the kindest people I have ever met.
We acknowledge that the word immigrant often carries a strong emotion with it–from pride and inspiration to aversion or even fear. However, we chose this word because we feel that it best describes the demographic of people we are trying to connect with.
Our Team
This is our dream team! Kimberly contacts potential interviewees and conducts the interview. Mike designed the logo, webpage, and all the images associated with the project. Both Mike and Jeremy (Kimberly’s spouse) oversee filming and production.
Jeremy crafts the content and manages our social media. Laura (Mike’s spouse) makes sure that we don’t go crazy and coaches Kimberly on what to do in front of the camera.
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